Author Topic: DefaultApps application - Revised (8 Sep 2021)  (Read 16160 times)


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DefaultApps application - Revised (8 Sep 2021)
« on: June 01, 2017, 10:43:48 am »
The DefaultApps application supplied on the DTVS-Smart1 allows installation of some applications that are not installed with the firmware. These applications are either optional or upgrades of existing applications. Recently we have discovered that the hosting site for these applications has been changed and the application has lost access to the content.

We have a revised this application to allow access to an alternate site. The altenate web site has been updated with the latest software patches that need to be applied to software version 1.5.7 to fix known issues. The new application can be downloaded and installed using the APKInstaller application. Link to the new application is:

For those who want to keep a copy of the applications, we have also made a copy of the applications which can now be downloaded directly from our website. The applications can be accessed via the
following link:

List of Current Applications and description

1. DefaultApps (updated 31 May 2020)
The DefaultApps application allows installation of patched and new applications on the DTV-Smart1. It is recommended that all applications under the "Current Applications" section are re-installed after carrying out software recovery or a factory reset.

2. FirstTimeInstallation (updated 31 May 2020 )
This is the patched version of the Initial Installation Application. This version fixes automatic tuning of Freeview channels during initial setup.

3. Smart1-Reinstall (updated 31 May 2020)
This application allows you to manually execute the "Initial Installation Application" to allow you to reinstall your DTV-Smart1 without removing applications.

4. MHEG-5 EPG (updated 31 May 2020)
This is the patched version of the application that runs the Freeview EPG.

5. iMediaPlayer
This application is used to view your own media files.

This application is used to watch IPTV application. You can load your own IPTV channels files (M3U) files via USB. Or use the browser to add and update channels.

7. YouTube
This an updated version of the YouTube application.

8. Clock Widget
This is an updated version of the clock widget.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 05:04:53 pm by admin »