Author Topic: DTVS-Smart1 - USB upgrade Channel Data - Updated 30-Apr-2020  (Read 21480 times)


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DTVS-Smart1 - USB upgrade Channel Data - Updated 30-Apr-2020
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:23:47 pm »
The following files are supplied to load channels via USB stick. Please check your LNB frequency and download the appropriate file.

How to check the LNB Frequency:

1. Press the Menu button
2. Select SETUP. ( Password is 0000 if asked )
3. Select Channel Search
4. Select Optus D1 and press the Green button
5. Take down the LNB Frequency and then exit the menu

Download one of the following files: LNB Local Oscillator (LO) = 11300 MHz or 11.3GHz LNB Local Oscillator (LO) = 10750 MHz or 10.75GHz LNB Local Oscillator (LO) = 10600 MHz or 10.6GHz with 22KHz ON LNB Local Oscillator (LO) = 10740 MHz or 10.74GHz ( for drifting LNB on Sky dish )

Instructions on how to load:

1) Unzip the file to your USB memory key.
2) Insert the USB memory key in the receiver.
3) Go to Setup and then select Upgrade.
4) Select "Upgrade channel data via USB".
5) Navigate to your file and select it.
6) Once the update is complete, the receiver will restart and your channels will be loaded.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 03:36:56 pm by admin »