Author Topic: HD6000T/NZ - Current Software Version - May 2010  (Read 25248 times)


  • DTV Solutions
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HD6000T/NZ - Current Software Version - May 2010
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:55:26 am »
This version software is the current release. Software build date is 24 March 2010.

Current firmware is attached below:


Fixed MP3 playback.

Please ensure you do a factory default after installing new software. Please note performing a factory default will NOT delete any information off the HDD.

Steps for updating your HD6000T/NZ software.

1) Download the above software to somewhere easily accessible.
2) Locate the software, double click to open the file then "Drag and Drop" file DTVS_025900.dlp onto your Flash drive or External HDD.
    Alternatively you and "Right Click" the folder and choose extract files then choose the location of your Flash Drive or External
3) Attach the device with the software loaded to the receiver and wait for the "Media is Connected" prompt to appear.
4) Press the "MENU" button then press the left arrow button to navigate to "MULTIMEDIA". Press the down arrow twice and press "OK" on USB 1
5) Locate the file named DTVS_025900.dlp and press OK, it will then ask you to confirm.

You must perform a factory default after every software upgrade or downgrade.

Steps for performing this are listed below.

1) Press the "MENU" button
2) Scroll down to "Default Setting" and press OK you will need to enter the default password of "0000".
3) Choose "Factory Defaults" and press OK
4) The receiver will restart and then will allow you to carry out the initial installation and retune the channels.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 09:22:20 am by DTVS »